Do Social Influencers Make Money As they Claim?

Allan Mungai
3 min readJun 13, 2022

They Hide This From You…

You go on to Instagram and she is enjoying fancy meals in Dubai or that guy came out of no where and is now driving a fancy car, living in posh apartments and showing of luxury stuff. Is this lifestyle even real?

Well, let’s see whether it’s worth the living.

From a different perspective, the influencer or social media lifestyle is for the teenagers. Why?

Because it’s at this stage in life that the average person and that may include you and I would be easily fooled into the shinny glamorous life. I mean, who wouldn’t want to pull up at their friends party or a school reunion in a brand new Lamborghini?

Real people however, are out there making real deals, buying and building businesses or advancing their careers. Away from the public attention. Which bring us to..

Do influencer they really make money?

In exception of a few like Money Mayweather who have managers and trusted financial advisors guiding them on their path to successful investing, the rest might be considered “wanna-bes”. People striving to live other people’s naïve expectations.

In real world, even if they make money from their fancy videos, remember that they have expenses and bills to pay up. This is what you don’t see on when they are balancing books ~ All the money earned minus expenses.

You’d agree after a good show off on social media, most would be left with little for saving or investing because the expenses are too high and they are just a video away from being entirely wiped out.

For a refresher, a friend of mine actually consider to be a mentor told of a story of an event that popular influencers with big followings were invited to, despite the lifestyle by most influencers, he realized that 97% of those influencers where near being broke financially, they didn't have a stable income and had to depend on sponsors for their videos to make ends meet.

What if those sponsors stopped coming?…Or suddenly got into a divorce like many do and end up sleeping on their friend’s coach. What does this tell you?

If you don’t create a system that works without you, you’ll work till you die.

Take that above for example. My mentor spent 30 minutes that day to do what he calls “Work” just like most other days and whaalah his system does the rest for him.

When choosing another source of income, be sure to to consider what I call the multiplier effect. Where you’ll only take the effort of setting it up but when up and running it will pay you over and over again without spending any more of your time.

This my friend is the true definition of stream of income. In fact use this link below to learn more about creating a stream of income that runs without you really having to be there.

Cheers my friend,

Allan Mungai



Allan Mungai

Fortunate to be Co-Founder of Allan Martin Ltd & CEO at I love doing things related to internet marketing and sharing ideas about life.