Do This To Attract Supportive People Into Your Inner Circle!

Allan Mungai
3 min readOct 6, 2022


Use this simple secret to attract mentors, coaches, friends, significant other etc…

“You become the average of the five people you hang around with” — Jim Rhon, but how do you get to that level where you’re inner circle is made up of rockstars & heavy hitters in any area of your life?

Designed by Allan Mungai

First of all, I want you to know that I wasn’t born into a rich family. In fact, when I was growing up I witnessed my parents move from the upper middle class to the lower class… From a big house to a tiny house.

At one point in my life, those external factors undermined my self-esteem and as a result, I attracted an inner circle of people who had similar issues.

But from a group of junk heads to people who have made over $70M+ in sales & counting, to starting my own internet marketing business, What in the world happened?

Here’s what changed… First let me promise you, if you understand this simple concept, you’ll be able to increase your value regardless of your current level of success. So are you ready?

“Dream BIG, because big dreams always attract big people”

Yes, that’s right…

There’s no way that you can uplift your thinking, dreams & ambitions and remain the same.

When you change your big dreams external circumstances start conforming to your vision and good things & people start to happen.

But don’t get me wrong, I’m not asking you to have an ego problem or be an empty dreamer, all I’m saying is you gotta dream big & take action in order to generate attraction of many things you desire.

Until I started dreaming of starting my own internet business, there was no way I could have found that certainty within myself to take action even when everybody I used to hang around with said I was crazy.

This brings us to…

When you know what you really want, confidence will naturally exude from you, people around you will start to notice & they’ll have two choices:

  1. Aid you in getting what you want (be sure it’s good for all concerned)
  2. or fall away to make a place for new people you can relly upon.

And that’s how I’ve attracted a wonderful support system of great mentors, friends, and even family members.

For instance, a mentor comes into your life when you have something that he can draw out from you and direct it to great levels of achievement to satisfy his/her ambitions as well as yours.

So, don’t focus so much on attracting a mentor, cool friends, or relatives, instead focus on developing & improving yourself even if it’s 1% per day.

That’s it for now my friend. I hope you really liked today’s article. If you did, be sure to follow me for this and more of my future posts here on medium.


See how you can also build a home business with less than two hours of your time per day here:

Cheers, my friend:)

Allan Mungai



Allan Mungai

Fortunate to be Co-Founder of Allan Martin Ltd & CEO at I love doing things related to internet marketing and sharing ideas about life.